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A major component of 'Flipping the Classroom' and engaging 21st century learners is connecting with students in a digital forum. One of the most common tools used by teachers at Hunter River High School is Edmodo.


It borrows many of the design elements and functions of  social media sites (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and bundles into a school friendly program. It also allows staff and parents the opportunity to see what the class is working on.


Click the image link below to take you to the Edmodo home page and create an account.

Edmodo can be downloaded onto mobile devices as an App or be accessed from the student laptops via the home page. It's a good idea if you plan on using it regularly to get students to save it to their 'Favourites'.


It's free, easy to use and when you sign up they walk you through the steps in setting up you classes.

This is the user interface. As you can see it borrows many of the elements you may be familiar with on Facebook.


Many of the features are similar to Google Classroom and One Note. Investing some time into organising how you will deliver content and units using this tool is key to it's success.

Want to learn more? Edmodo have their own YouTube Channel with great videos not only about how to use Edmodo and it's features, but also about the value of Future Focused approaches to teaching and learning. Follow the link below to access the site.

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